It is the
eternal struggle: Low neighborhood
participation in committees or social events. This can be made even more
frustrating when you consider the great backgrounds of potential
volunteers. Knowing someone’s
aspirations is difficult, while finding a way to match these aspirations to
community needs is the real challenge.
in to Aspirations
individuals have a subconscious social modeling system. Simply put, we have a tendency
to repeat what we see others say or do. Everyone can probably recall something
that they have been told in the last week that they have then passed along to
someone else. We actually repeat
everything we hear, at an uncontrolled sub vocal level. And like anything else,
repetition of a message heard over and over will “stick” – this is why the same
radio and TV ads are played so frequently (you are probably all too aware of
this if you have ever watched daytime TV…the workers compensation attorney ads
seem to appear every 5 seconds!)
However, the
same message will only match aspirations in a few people. The key is to provide various messages for
the same volunteer need, to resonant with a larger number of neighbors: People are only motivated if the community’s
need matches something they have already internalized.
The typical
perception is that a pet committee is a venue for pet owners and pet
complaints. This combination is enough
to even drive away even the most pet friendly community residents!
To push past
this preconception and involve even those without pets, messaging could
emphasize the following:
need to socialize pets
that for some, a pet is as important as a child, and providing resources with
this in mind
a great opportunity for prospective pet owners to discover preferred breeds
pet carnival (pet costumes!) with food / music
networking opportunity
session of free obedience training/counseling
impact of pets and owner habits
Watch / group walks
We are
touching on items normally associated with other potential committees - which
might form later if enough interest grows. For now, stick with developing one healthy
Don’t be
discouraged if individuals you’ve approached don’t respond – an invitation,
perhaps from a different person, may reach your neighbor as goals and
aspirations develop over the following year.
The key is to keep up consistent and varying messages, so that when
change does come, your prospective volunteer will have confidence in the
durability and potential of your committee.
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