Newcomers to a Board of Directors
face a steep learning curve. Without
understanding the mindset and lingo, a volunteer will more than likely be ineffective and
frustrated. And any short-term accomplishments
may be overshadowed by negative long-term consequences.

In the first Board meeting held
after a community's annual meeting, it is good practice to have the Association's
attorney speak about basic rules. This
step gets everyone off on the same foot.
Discuss your highlighted items with the attorney to ensure you have a
full understanding of the topic. The
standard “there are no stupid questions - except those not asked” definitely
applies when trying to understand these documents.
One topic should definitely be a quick
introduction to contract law. Yes, you
will (hopefully) have your attorney reviewing any contracts before you sign
them, but the interactions before and after a signed agreement are just as

Your attorney should also discuss
how judges approach typical situations in homeowners associations. For example:
Without thorough documentation, a judge often will be very lenient
toward the homeowner. Another
example: Something as simple as 'may'
versus 'shall' in a contract or governing documents can be disastrous. The judge can be a grammarian with a microscope
focused on a single word or phrase.
The attorney visit will easily
consume the first meeting, so the next should involve the insurance broker,
CPA, and association manager. These
three will identify weaknesses that the Board should focus on, such as
life-safety items or under-funded cash reserves.

As a new Board member it is very
important to remember you are running a corporation for the benefit of all
stakeholders (homeowners). While being a
Board member is a volunteer position, the responsibilities are quite real. When reviewing any issue, be sure to
ask how it will benefit the community - and then do what the documents allow.
Keeping both these items in mind will help ensure your efforts will bolster
everyone’s investment in, and enjoyment of, your community.