Re-framing Expectations
Alexander Hamilton, the guy on the $10 bill (for now at least), authored much
of the U.S. federal system. In one of
his writings (March 18, 1788) he said (paraphrased): The representatives of the people sometimes
fancy themselves as representing themselves, and become impatient and disgusted
with the least sign of opposition from others, as if the exercise of someone
else's rights infringes on their privilege and insults their dignity.
Unfortunately, we see this same mindset among some HOA
Boards, and among some community association managers. While these agents are tasked with
representing a corporation (the homeowners association), not individual
homeowners, it is easy to 'take it personal' when a homeowner challenges
them. Perhaps the homeowner doesn't have
all the facts, or perhaps he has facts the agent needs to know. As long as the homeowner isn't being abusive
or using strong language, Board members and managers should hear him out.
Time not taken now becomes time & money taken next,
under mandated arbitration. Also, the
views of future challengers are colored by how they see you treating the current
ones. You can expect respect when first
you have shown it. Not every person
understands or agrees with a governing decision, but shutting the door on
discussion should be your second or third action, not your first.

By the same token, everyone (homeowners, Board members, and
managers) should start from the assumption that there is some validity to each
assertion. After thoughtful deliberation,
you may discover that a person's expectations can't be reconciled with those of
the community. That doesn't make his
position wrong, only wrong for the community.
Sometimes you will
find yourself in an endless loop with an upset homeowner. Your attempts to bridge the gap failed. Time to redirect your efforts to more
productive Association business: It is
okay to end the conversation. Just be
sure it ends in a way that you would be proud to see reported in the news.
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