The Treasurer’s and Accountant’s
It makes sense for the board treasurer to chair the budget committee. As chair, it’s the treasurer’s job to keep everyone on track as the budget is prepared. The treasurer also presents the budget for approval to the board and members. If the association works with an accountant, he or she may offer consulting, but the accountant really has no significant role in the process of devising the budget.
Who Should Be on the Committee?
The owners who serve on the budget committee should represent a cross-section of the community. Of course, if there are members willing to serve who have expertise in areas such as insurance, that’s even better. When it comes to size, a good general guideline is that the committee shouldn’t be so large that it becomes unwieldy.
What the Committee Does
treasurer will make sure that all committee members understand the three basic
components of the budget:

2. Funds
needed to maintain our reserves at sufficient levels. Reserve funds
provide money for the repair and replacement of the community’s assets—such as
the pool, roofs, pavement, etc.
3. Funds
for additions or enhancements to the existing property. This is a function
of what members of the community want and are willing to pay for. The
community should provide input and approval for this component.

Its not always an easy job - but its absolutely essential to the health and longevity of your association. Homeowners always want to know where their money (or dues) are being spent. Serving on the budget committee can be a very eye opening experience!