While HUD says this regulation does not place any new duties
on HOAs, it squarely places these items “on the radar” of some who may see it
as an opportunity to litigate. Because
of this, it is crucial that Boards of Directors consult with their insurance agents to
confirm that appropriate Directors & Officers insurance is firmly in place.

In the commentary HUD
included in releasing the new regulation are the following tidbits:
- You can be held liable for failing to take prompt action to correct and end a discriminatory situation where the Board knew or should have known of the conduct and had the power to correct it. Such knowledge can come from, for example, the harassed resident, another resident, or a friend of the harassed resident. Neither psychological nor physical harm must be demonstrated to prove that a hostile environment exists.
- The power to take prompt action depends upon the extent of control or any other legal responsibility the Board may have with respect to the conduct (as indicated in bylaws or other rules of a homeowner’s association or condominium, or by federal, state or local law).
- Community associations regularly require residents to comply with CC&Rs and community rules through such mechanisms as notices of violations, threats of fines, and fines. HUD understands that community associations may not always have the ability to deny a unit owner access to his or her dwelling; the rule merely requires the community association to take whatever actions it legally can take to end the harassing conduct.
- Creating and posting policy statements against harassment and establishing complaint procedures, offering fair housing training to residents and mediating disputes before they escalate, issuing verbal and written warnings and notices of rule violations, enforcing bylaws prohibiting illegal or disruptive conduct, issuing and enforcing notices to quit, issuing threats of eviction and, if necessary, enforcing evictions and involving the police are powerful tools to control or remedy a tenant’s illegal conduct.
- A principal (such as the Board) is vicariously liable for the actions of his or her agents taken within the scope of their relationship or employment, or for actions taken outside the scope of their relationship or employment when the agent is aided in the commission of such acts by the existence of the agency relationship.